Thursday, February 12, 2009

If It Smells Like a Skunk

This smell like a skunk, and could be another ploy to embarrass the president. Gregg should not be admired for a so-called "change of heart".

Obama's message to foreign opponents that he will extend his hand if they will unclench their fists should be sent loud and clear to his domestic opponents, the GOPhers, the Repugnatins of this country.

Fortunately Obama is viewed by most Americans as a decent, honorable and smart man, and it will not be lost on them that he has kept his campaign promise to work toward a government without rancor, and that he's been rewarded for his efforts by this kind of spiteful response.

The phrase "reach across the aisle" needs to be brought up to date to read, "stick your neck out across the aisle".

Leanderthal, Lighthouse Keeper

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