Sunday, July 5, 2009

Thinking About A Different Approach

I've been wondering about the value and usefulness of this blog, and also whether it is still the appropriate forum for what I want to express .

The title, A Voice Crying in the Wilderness, suggests that I am one who knows better and by my crying out can wake people up to what is going on, like the know-it-all, pain-in-the-ass prophets of old.

To say that such a view is egotistical and narcissistic would be an understatement. On the other hand that blog title might have brought in some traffic.

I'm considering using a different blog address which might be a more appropriate venue in which to share my thoughts.

For the time being I will go back to using an earlier blog, Cape Cod Lighthouse.

Here's the address:

I'm grateful for the feedback you have provided here. On average 3 people visit per day and read on average 2 posts, according to Sitemeter.

Please visit me at The Lighthouse. I hope to hear from you there.

Thanks for your consideration and support.


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