Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Bob Herbert's Important Summation To The Jury; Us.

Here is Bob Herbert's summation of what wrath Bush the 43rd has wrought upon us.

It's timely and powerful, and should not be forgotten by us, the jury of his peers, the citizens of the US.

Leanderthal, Lighthouse Keeper

1 comment:

Leanderthal, Lighthouse Keeper said...

Here's my own comment on this, my own post, or rather a recommendation that readers check out driftglass.blogspot.com, for a totally different take on Bob Herbert. Seems he's seen as a columnist who should be targeted as much as the neocons he detests.

The diatribes against Herbert are vicious, perhaps typical of what usually happens in a pack mentality.

Seems Bob Herbert is castigated for using the collective word "we" in his generalization of the stupidity which is threatening to ruin this country. That the crime seems to be an inside job, there are a surprising number of commenters who must think that Herbert is blaming them. Perhaps that's a possible read of just this one of his columns, but most people who read him regularly know that he is progressive in his ideas, and more than critical of the far right wingnuts.

One of the problems with having a comment feature, not for me who gets few comments, but for well known bloggers and columnists is that the comments inevitably descend into the muck of commenter internecine arguments. The trend is for an increase in use of foul language as the square of the number of comments posted.