The phrase, "leading from behind" implied, according to its author, the unwritten words "the scene". It was a phrase intended to draw a stark contrast between Obama's leadership style in the Lybian situation and the bravado, out front, cheer leading style of Bush, as exemplified by his Mission Accomplished bravado after the" shock and awe" invasion of Iraq.

The hungry right wing jackals jumped all over the phrase as it was written, without those two words, using it as propaganda, citing it as admission of what they claim as Obama's weak leadership.
I make no apologies here for Chris Lizza, the author. He should have known better.
This piece helps shines the Cape Cod Lighthouse beacon on those dark prowling jackals for who they really are and what they will stoop to do to attack Obama.
As I've opined several times before on this page, I really do hope that those who have assured us over the many years of our democracy that the people, as a whole, can be counted on to get it right, are themselves right.
Leading from behind is a good thing. We are past the time when generals on horseback got out front of their men to lead them into battle. Heroic as that style may be, it leads to more deaths and more maiming than the commander who stays back far enough to get the necessary information to manage the battle coolly.
And in Libya, it worked.
Leading from behind is a good thing. We have long since got beyond the time when generals on horseback led their men into battle.
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