Friday, May 13, 2011

On Taking the First Pitch

No website to link to on this one. It's just my need to exercise the voice crying in the wilderness on one of my own pet peeves.

Most people would assume that a major league pitcher can throw a strike almost any time he wants, if he is pretty sure that the batter will "take it". I understand the rationale for "taking" whatever the pitcher can throw when the count is 3 and 0. Make the pitcher prove he can throw a strike.

What I don't agree with is the almost sacrosanct acceptance of taking the first pitch for the purported purpose of getting a feel for what and how the pitcher is throwing.

With all the statistics which our announcers and analysts have at their disposal it would be interesting to note who benefits more by this practice.

How often has that worked for the benefit of the batter?
How often has that worked for the benefit of the pitcher?

To me it seems obvious that more often than not the batter puts himself in a 0-1 hole "right off the bat", which gives the advantage to the pitcher. The on deck circle is the right place to try to get a feel for what and how the pitcher throws.

I'm just sayin'.


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