Sunday, May 11, 2008

Everything Died

What to believe? Here is just one report on the topic of climate. This one is important because it questions the viability of life on Earth.

The best way to decide anything is to accumulate facts, look for patterns in those facts, analyze those patterns as objectively as one can, that is to say, logically which requires a temporary setting aside of one's personal point of view, then subject that logic to one's values, personal point of view.

Too often we jump from facts to values, passing over the use of looking for patterns and trends inherent in those facts and unwilling to analyze those possible patterns to objective, logical analysis along the way. The best use of our so-called large brains is to follow the process I outlined above.

On the climate question, personal feelings seem to trump facts and patterns as well as logic.
Tribal response at its worst.

At some point observers from another world will write, "The biosphere " exhibited a one hundred percent mortality response. In other words everything died. Including the tribes.

Not in our lifetime, and that's the problem. No urgency and therefore no motivation on the part of those who don't want to be inconvenience by anything so far out and far off as loss of a habitable planet.

Leanderthal, Lighthouse Keeper

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