Thursday, May 22, 2008

When What is Superficially Legal is Basically Obscene

Please, please read the article found here.

Dana Milbank of the Washington Post uses his biting wit to expose the hypocrisy and cynicism of the Princes of the Realm of Big Oil. The King of their Realm is Dick Cheney, who poses as the Vice President of the United States, a legal and moral disguise for his actual position as Don of the behind the scenes manipulations of what I call the elected mafia.

Sometimes I wonder if we need a Robespierre. But his French Revolution reign of terror was equal in its obscenity to the reign of oppression under Louis XIV of Versailles.

Today we have CEO's of oil companies who can't remember how much they were paid recently while ensconced in their plush world headquarters palaces.

The cynicism of the French King, Louis IV, who liked to look in the mirror and see himself shining bright as the sun(he called himself as the Sun King) is mirrored by all the
Big Oil Big Wigs.

Their behavior is obscene.

Leanderthal, Lighthouse Keeper

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