Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Elected Mafia

I've been trying to express my thoughts on this situation for days, and now I think I'm willing to publish them.

Hamden has been sentenced to 66 more months in jail. This redefines travesty of justice.

I don't know what country I'm living in any more. It's surely not the one I grew up in, except geographically it seems familiar.

For all I know Hamden is a terrorist and a very dangerous man. That seems to be why the Bush administration has decided to incarcerate him for many years without access to America's Judicial System. Just take him out of circulation, never mind the Constitution's provision for basic rights for all individuals, not just American citizens.

Did you know that?

Apparently that is the position our Elected Mafia takes when they want to silence their opponents. Gitmo is the equivalent of the concrete shoes of the Mafia. The only difference seems to be that the people taken out of circulation are not yet dead, though they are expected to succomb to torture, which they claim is justified by their so-called war on terrorism,
or die from other means, old age included.

How convenient it is that a war defined that way has no chance of being defined as having a chance to end. It's like saying that humanity will change it's ways and at a certain time will no longer be violent.

Defining war this way paves the way for those who profit from war to always have a war to fight, an endless war.

This is neocon heaven, a scenario that they could only have envisioned in their wildest dreams.

Hello Americans? Are you there?

The Gitmo Tribunal (if there's a more terrifying phrase in any language I don't know what it is) acquitted Hamden of the most serious charge, and found him guilty of a lesser charge.
Yet they sentenced him to serve 66 more months, rather than freeing him based on his several years of time served without being charged.

And the Main Stream Media, the US equivalent of Pravda, headlined their stories with words implying leniency and minimum sentencing.

Bush and Cheney should be the objects of what has become known as rendition. Their rendition should be to The Hague, to be tried as War Criminals and for Crimes Against Humanity.

It's too late for impeachment, which would afford them the option to resign with only three months left in office. Congress failed the people by not using the Impeachment process ,which does not create a Constitutional crisis but is actually what the framers provided to be a solution to one.

Bush, Cheney and their cabal can tell their benefactors that they took care of them for eight years, and that they now look forward to the rewards accorded to good and faithful servants.

Like Nixon, I can see them giving their personal high signs as they board planes to take them to those rewards, the ones they believe they earned from those they served so well, those who bought their allegiance to hidden agendas, not those who voted for them, expecting their allegiance to all the people.

Bush's high sign is likely to be the perfunctory salute he flipped off to those pledged to obey him as Commander In Chief. But it's likely to be a stiffer and more impressive salute to those he knows are his own Commanders In Chief.

He and they know who they are, and he and they know they have been thumbing their criminal noses at those who elected them, who, for a time, honored the offices they have used for their and their benefactors' advantage to the detriment of the American people, only half or less who voted for them.

Cheney's high sign, if he were suddenly to express any attempt at being honest and authentic, would have to be the International Sign of Discontent, The Bird, the Ultimate Flip Off, the Middle Finger of Fate, the Single Finger Salute.

Cheney, above all, harbors a disdainful opinion of not only his fellow citizens but for humans in general, most accurately stated as, "Fuck You".

That would be consistent with his disrespect for decency when he, as the titular president of the Senate said to a respected member of the Senate "Go Fuck Yourself".

And it also would be consistent with his response to a reporter who solicited his reaction to a survey which indicated that a large majority of Americans were unhappy with what was going on in Iraq.


His partner in crime, the discredited Donald Rumsfeld referred to our Western allies, as old Europe. It was never made clear what he thought New Europe would look like. Perhaps he expected them to support even more carnage on their lands than those they has sustained in two world wars, suffered and endured for almost the first half of the last century.

These are men who occupy the highest offices of our land, only because they managed to get the 2000 electoral tie decided by the Supreme Court, a nine person vote to supercede and override votes of millions of Amercican, the results of which they could count on because they had packed the court in their favor.

Sandra Day O'connor cast the deciding vote. She had enjoyed a reputation of being impartial until it came to light that she had been a life long friend of George W. Bush. So much for impartial justice.

The blindfold on the iconic image of Lady Justice, holding the balance scales of the law, has been removed and discarded by those who have passed themselves off as worshippers of God, supporters of American values(are all good values only Ameircan?) and all the other scams they have perpetrated on those of us they claim to champion and represent.

They have done an effective job of putting psychological blinders on honest and well meaning Americans, while stripping Lady Justice of her most important and essential garment.

That's rape in the first degree; the punishment, if convicted, is up to the people.

Leanderthal, Lighthouse Keeper

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