Thursday, August 21, 2008

Hillary for Veep

Here's a piece which I just happened to come across this afternoon, as I have been wondering about how Obama is going to re- inflate his colorful balloon.

Some have said he needs to attack McCain. Here's the catch 22 of that. He's damned if he does, and damned if he doesn't.

To wit, those of us who support him do so because he's got a big picture view of things, not the shoot now and ask questions later view which has cost us so dearly since 2000.

That makes him vulnerable to attack about his toughness. When and if he gets tough in responding to such shit he is accused of being just like all the other politicians who go negative, thus defacing his image as a healer, a bipartisan leader.

What to do?

Choose Hillary as his running mate. Why?

She's known as a ballsy female, the classic model of the Queen who said, "Balls, if I had two I'd be King".

She's the bad cop to Obama's good cop.

In politics she's fought, been bruised, lost battles and come back to win battles. She's the hardened, in the trenches, realistic politician Obama isn't.

She's the icon of the female fighter which all men, if they are wise, need to appease, based on experiences in their own homes, and secretly admire and cheer when that rage is re-directed against others.

Just ask Bill Clinton.

Then there are her supporters who are still really pissed off. She's tried to get them to let go of their rage but it's not working. I read about a so-called Whip team, made up of Obama and Hillary supporters who believe they can keep the Hillary camp in line at the convention. Good Luck. They are in denial about the extent and impact of the potential rage of the female.

Ask anyone who has been confronted by a mother bear who both nurses her cubs, and fights off threats to them.

If I were to find myself in a hard place between a male challenger and a female challenger, and if I thought that making one of them my partner would carry the day, I would choose the female. Obama has demonstrated his willingness to listen to a female's point of view, as exhibited in his partnership with his wife, Michele, no intellectual slouch.

Anytime a male of the species can get the female of the species on his side, a challenging male is at least at a disadvantage.

For several weeks I was of the opinion that Barack shouldn't select Hillary, because she had been such a strong and violable opponent, and I was not sanguine about the prospects that she could actually let go her competitive drive sufficiently to support him. I wondered if she were sufficiently hinged healed to trade her principles for her personal political advantage, in the model of Joe Lieberman.

I have been encouraged by what she has said publically, but have still been skeptical, if not cynical, about her motives.

Then came an email from Bill Clinton today. It was a request for a contribution to help fund the Democrat Party's support for the election and/or reelection of Democrat Senators and Congressmen.

I sent another small donation.

My hope is that Obama will put together his own team of rivals, who will understand that he has the will of the people behind him who are sick of what's happened since 2000, and will rally around him and support him as he solicits their unique skills and values to restore this Republic to the reputation it enjoyed and deserved before the neocons debased.

It's true that we go forth on the feet of heretics. In this particular election we have the chance to go forth on the feet of heretics in two ways. We could elect a black male as President and a white female as Vice President, assuming the black male has the balls to choose the white female as his political mate, and the white female can put her virtual and wishful balls on hold for a few years, and her husband, the former president, can acknowledge the reality of the situation as gracefully as his wife.

What they can't seem to grasp and understand, based on their personal experience in politics, is that Obama doesn't want to be President for the power and authority of that office in the sense of being in a position of authority, but for the influence the office of President provides to share his values and visions as an authority in the sense of one who has become an authority on what many people consider to be important.

Leanderthal, Lighthouse Keeper

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