Tuesday, November 18, 2008

"Go And Subdue the Earth" Genesis 1:26.

Here's an article about what Bush is doing to thwart the next administration's attempts to undo the environmental threats Bush has loosed upon the earth.

And here's a commentary on the word "subdue" found by Googling the phrase, 'Go and Subdue the Earth'. I thought I had something here until I read the comments and considered the source. My translator gadget couldn't find any Hebrew translations of the English word "subdue".

And here's another site on Genesis 1:26. The author of this one has to go to "a parallel account" of creation found in Genesis II to explain away the word "subdue" in the first creation story found in Genesis I.

Clearly Bush is content with the literal meaning of the word in English. Remember he doesn't do nuance".

Leanderthal, Lighthouse Keeper

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