Monday, September 22, 2008

Goad Them

Here is a good example of goading and ridiculing McCain and his staffers.

And here is another.

Obama and all of us who support him should do all we can to ridicule McCain and his staff, by exposing them for what they are, bald faced liars.

Goading them might actually result in McCain really losing it, showing his temper, the way he has so often when someone gets under his skin. He needs to be exposed as the man he truly is, or has at least become; a crotchety old curmudgeon who flies off the handle, and who should never be allowed to come anywhere near the big red button.

Leanderthal, Lighthouse Keeper

1 comment:

The Old New Englander said...

I'm hoping that McCain will lose it in one of the debates, before 40 or 50 million viewers. But Obama can't be seen to be goading his opponent; he has to be presidential. McCain is said to believe that Obama does not belong where he is; perhaps that antagonism will lead him to blow up. That and the fact that he's going down for the count.