Saturday, September 27, 2008

Win/Lose, Another Hobgoblin of Little Minds

Here's a piece on the debate last night. It's actually a report on what a number of political analyst junkies thought of the various comments by each candidate on a number of issues. It has value as an analysis, though the analysts' comments, for the most part, reflect their personal agendas and biases.

It's the title of the piece that chafes me. It's about who won or lost. Using a war time analogy, one can win a battle and lose the war, lose a battle and win the war, etc..

I'll reserve judgement on winning or losing for the morning of November 5th, and who really wins or loses will be the American people.

Until then, it's only about what they, the candidates, say and whether you like or don't like it. They've already qualified for the post season which is a winner take all final contest on November 4th. The debates are just workouts, training, running through plays and scimmages, to which the public is invited, kind of like pre-season contests, to stretch the sports metaphor even more.

Of course little minds need to think win/lose, often at the expense of focusing on the content of what's said in the debates. The media knows that; thus the emphasis on who won and who lost.

Leanderthal, Lighthouse Keeper

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