Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Pot Calling the Kettle Black

Here is a link to a column by Tony Blankley of the Washington Times. It's followed by predictable right wingnut comments.

Also predictable is the need for the far right to associate liberal thinking with Nazi Germany propaganda even though the comparison is ludicrous on its surface.

I am posting this on my blog for its educational value to those of us who might not often read right wing publications like the Washington Times. Like many things one reads these days this one would be hilarious if it weren't about something so seriously important.

Perhaps the most egregious examples in this piece of making stuff up is the claim that Obama needs to stammer and stutter before "getting out a sentence fragment or two". One wonders if Blankley bothered to watch Obama's acceptance speech as just one example of his extraordinary ability to articulate his message.

Apparently the irony inherent in his rant escapes Blankley's attention that, while he is condemning the media for not telling the truth, he who occupies a high level position for a major publication is guilty of the very same sin.

Classic: The Pot Calls the Kettle Black.

Leanderthal, Lighthouse Keeper

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