Sunday, September 28, 2008

Not a Delicate Flower

Here is a piece about how Palin should be treated. My sentiments exactly.

I think Joe Biden should address this right off, at the beginning of the VP debate, if the GOPhers ever permit it to happen.

He should ask for agreement to the fact that both Palin and he are big girls and boys who have tossed their hats into the ring of a major prize contest, and there should be no holds barred, no punches pulled, no hitting below the belt. He needs to do this very carefully so as not to be seen as a misogynist, patriarchal bully, but at the same time reiterate what the authors of this attached piece are insisting. She is no delicate flower.

Palin's history has it that she is very capable of heavy handedness in the political ring, willing to deck anyone who opposes her. She can't have it both ways.

Shake hands and come out fighting.

Leanderthal, Lighthouse Keeper

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